Illegal Distribution Of Files|| fa-file-excel-o
Envato Market is not a legal body which is qualified to give you advice on these matters. Any suggestions on this page are to be considered general and not specific to your situation. When sending legal documentation or taking any form of legal action, we recommend you consult with a legal professional. We can take no responsibility for the repercussions of following the suggestions in this document.
- Published in Community
How to use the Whois Lookup Tool|| fa-keyboard-o
Whois is a widely used Internet record listing that contains the details of who owns a domain name and how to get in touch with them.
The contact details can be for both the domain’s registrar or the web hosting company providing space or storage for that specific website.
- Published in Community
Forum and Community Rules || fa-comments-o
Envato takes great pride in it’s global and thriving community! They’re part of what makes the Envato Market sites fun and friendly. The forum rules and guidelines focus on mutual respect.
All users who wish to participate or give feedback are invited to do so.
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Forum Comments by Envato Staff & Moderators|| fa-forumbee
Envato is extremely fortunate to have a huge community with highly engaged users. Part of our community’s time on Envato Market is spent within our forums, our common grounds for communication. In order to clarify the different roles and responsibilities of the various people and roles that post in our forums we hope you find the following information useful.
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Protecting Your Copyright|| fa-exclamation-circle
Some seek to fight all piracy they come across, some want to find ways to motivate users of content to pay for it, and some choose to focus on what they do sell and not change the ways of users who want all their content for free. Ultimately, this is your personal choice (and more below on the path Envato takes on the piracy issue).
- Published in Community